Hand and Wrist Anatomy and Biomechanics
Michael Wagner


Broschur, englisch

ISBN 978-3-1320-5341-0

69,99 € [D], SFr. 80,– [CH], 72,– € [A]
There is a saying that "hand surgery without a tourniquet is like repairing a clock in a barrel full of dark ink." Operating without a sound fundamental knowledge of anatomy can be compared to "stirring around in the soup." Classic anatomy instruction covers only a fraction of the area of hand surgery: bones, muscles/ligaments, vessels, and nerves. The many different connective-tissue structures are often only briefly highlighted. The complex interaction of the various structures remains a mystery to most. This book presents the specialty of applied anatomy and is intended for medical professionals involved with the hand and its functionality: hand surgeons, trauma specialists, orthopaedists, plastic surgeons, occupational therapists, and physio-therapists.

Key Features:

Almost 150 illustrations, anatomical drawings, and photos of anatomy in vivo.
Part 1 deals with the anatomy and functional anatomy of the hand
Part 2 is dedicated to the surface anatomy of the structures of the forearm, wrist, and hand

Michael Wagner

Michael Wagner, Jahrgang 1968, ist Ingenieur der Produktionstechnik und gelernter Journalist. Heute arbeitet er als PR-Experte für ein großes Industrieunternehmen und lebt in der Nähe von Marburg. Sein Erstlingsroman rund um den Antihelden Theo Kettling ist auch eine Liebeserklärung an seine Heimat, das Märkische Sauerland.